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Apports, Deports and Ghostly Hi-jinks

Issue date: Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006 -------------------------------------------------- P A R A N O R M A L I N S I D E R -------------------------------------------------- Read stories that defy logic every week in Paranormal Insider. Subscribe instructions and email links are at the bottom of this page. ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Readers: We had some great feedback on the topic of apports so I thought I'd devote another issue to this weird and some- times wacky phenomenon. If you have a brief comment or question to share, please post it to our new forum at: <a href=" "> Paranormal Insider Forum</a> If you have a paranormal experience you'd like to send in for possible publication, please send it to me at **************************************************** Apports, Asports, and Ghostly Hi-jinks In doing some additional research on apports, I've been rather surprised to find limited information or written theory on the nature of this phenomenon. Most paranormal researchers, however, seem to feel that apports, deports (or 'asports') and teleportation (or translocation) are related, and in my personal opinion, I would also in some cases link the apport experience to poltergeist activity. I have seen poltergeist activity with my own eyes so I do believe that spirits can interact with us on the physical plane, although I am confounded as to how they do this. Apports gained infamy in the séances of the Spiritualist era, and were a mainstay of the Madame Blavatsky set and those of her ilk back in the heyday of the Spiritualist movement. Translocation of objects, however, has also been noted amongst Sufis and Eastern yogis, as well as being the subject of some modern day paranormal research. Some people believe that apports are ethereal in nature, meaning that they are only a temporal image created by an outburst of energy, but as you will read below in the many stories our readers have sent in, they can most certainly also be solid, touchable and altogether 3D objects which appear (and/or disappear) seemingly out of nowhere. It has been proposed that apports/deports would be better explained using the theories of Quantum Physics, and that the materializing/dematerializing of objects is actually quantum teleportation of the "Beam me up, Scotty" variety, but despite scientific research into this area, to date, physicists have not found a way to 'move' anything beyond extremely small particles of matter. People, animals, jewelry and other trinkets most definitely do not fall into this category so we are still stumped as to how such objects can appear or disappear from nowhere. Many people have experienced receiving unexplainable 'gifts' that they believe have been brought to them by an angel or a spirit, such as a deceased loved one, and often the gift has a symbolic meaning for the person receiving it. I hope you enjoy our readers' stories and comments about apports and I hope that all your experiences with apports are good ones. I recently found an unusual little personal object I hadn't seen for many years in my bed and I am still puzzled as to how this item got there, although we had in fact been moving furniture that day so maybe, just maybe, there is a rational explanation that I just haven't been able to see. I'm still pondering whether there is a message hidden in the event. All I can say for certain at this point is that if someone REALLY wants to apport some- thing to me, I wouldn't say no to a pile of gold coins:>) Perhaps I'll just have to ask! Carpe diem Zsuzsana ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I am so glad to finally know a name for the strange stuff that has happened in our home since we bought it 12 years ago. A picture my mother-in-law painted and gave to my husband for his birthday refused to stay hung on the wall, no matter where we hung it. It would sound like a car wreck when it supposedly fell, but when we checked, it would look like it was gently placed in an upright position like it slid down the wall. One evening my husband and I were watching TV and the lamp shade on the end table between us spun around like someone had reared back and let it go like a Frisbee. We always joke someone is trying to tell us something. Just recently his car keys showed up in my purse after being "gone" for about 6 weeks. My little dog has been entertained by our visitors and I have pictures of her enjoying their attention. Some of the people I have them shared them with have freaked out. Blessings, Tessie ************************************************* I have had my own apport experiences: mostly things like keys and coins disappearing for days, then reappearing elsewhere. I've mostly blamed brownies and faeries for these tricks. My aunt, however, has had quite a few episodes. They began after her granddaughter was killed in her home (by her own brother's hand, in an 'accident' with a handgun. We still have doubts about the accidental ruling, but that's another story altogether). The little girl, who died at age 10, loved coins. She would go around the house, checking in the sofa and chair cushions for money. She always got to keep what she found, but would make little piles on the coffee table and end tables, to show off her trophies. The week after she died, one morning my aunt found a stack of pennies, and another of dimes, on the table next to her chair. Now, she never has change in her pocket to lose, and no one but my aunt ever sits in that chair, so there was no reason for there to be a stack. But we figure her granddaughter left it, as a reminder that she was still around. Since then, whenever there is a trying time, my aunt will find a little reminder, five or six dimes or pennies in a pile, right beside her chair. *************************************************** Hi, Zsuzsana! I'm replying to the question about personal apport experiences. My best friend and I live across town from one another, and randomly things from our rooms will disappear for a month or so and reappear in the middle of the other's bedroom floor. I don't know if this classifies as an apport, but it's really cool. Thanks for reading! **************************************************** Zsuzsana, I don't know if this would be considered an apport experience or not. It happened to me many years ago as I sat with friends in a quaint basement tavern in Mystic, Connecticut, at the Daniel Packard Inn. The building, which belonged originally to a sea captain, was converted into a lovely restaurant and tavern. There were artifacts commemorating the seafaring life all around the building. I happened in conversation to be describing to my friends a stairway I had seen leading up to a man's apartment that I had previously visited. It had all kinds of antiques piled everywhere, including a large wooden figurehead on a landing. We were all laughing at the thought of the conglomeration. All of a sudden I felt a sharp tap in my lap, as if a piece of plaster or something of weight had dropped on my lap. Startled, I looked down to find my very lightweight earring sitting on my lap. It was a hook style earring that loops through the pierced hole and hangs down. The wire hook was long and never accidentally slipped out of my ear before. Also, the tap on my lap was too strong to have been created by a small earring. I felt that a spirit must have whipped the earring from my ear and tapped my lap to alert me that she was offended at me making fun of a ship's figurehead. The waitress later said that a female spirit inhabited the inn and often did mischievous things. Some think it is the deceased wife of the sea captain, Daniel Packard. Diane - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi, Diane. I had my keys moved from one pocket to the other while sitting at a bar and discussing a resident ghost with the proprietor of an inn. Not long afterward, again discussing this same ghost at the same establishment, my signficant other had a roll of bathroom tissue thrown at him when he went to use the men's room. It was quite the excitment!:>) Thanks for sharing. Zsuzsana ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi! I love your web column! I've definitely had an apport experience. I always felt that there was *something* in my parents house. I mean it's an old house, there's bound to be something in there. One day I came home from high school, and sat in my kitchen to watch some TV. No one was home and my cat wasn't around -- must have been sleeping upstairs or outside. Anyway, I went to take out a bottle of Pepsi and sat back down at the table. The way my kitchen is set up, the head of the table is the best view of the TV. I took off the cap, poured a glass, and put the cap down more towards the back of the table, where the bottle was, by the cup shelf. My back was turned to the table as I watched TV. About 5 minutes later, the bottle cap falls into my lap from the ceiling. I instantly get up, look around, say "Hello!" and no one was there, so I just sat back down again and continued watching. I didn't knock anything over and the cap was on the opposite side of the table. It was very weird. I'm pretty sure I almost saw it take form late one night, as I woke my cat up when I saw a fuzzy looking "bust" (one of those statues of the chest up from the 1700s) kind of hovering in my doorway. Well, the cat looked right up, ears went back and he ran out of the room, and I freaked out and spent the night heavily breath- ing under the covers. Hope you enjoyed my stories! -Hannah- ******************************************* Hi... I just call them 'gifts' and there have been way too many to count! It's usually feathers, which I like. One appeared on my hymn book in the middle of a song in church just a couple of Sundays ago! But two of the neatest, most memorable ones were not feathers. The first one was when a friend came over and was examining my extensive crystal collection. I keep it on a mirror tray, on top of a mirrored dressing table, in my bedroom. She picked up a large crystal clump, and suddenly sat it on the bed. In a shocked voice, she asked, "OK, where the heck did THAT come from?" I looked, and there was a silver chain, with an amethyst moon and sun on it, hanging from one of the crystals on the clump! I told her it was a gift for her...but she wouldn't touch it. I still have it, hanging on the clump. The second was really odd. I'd purchased a Black Hills gold necklace and earring set for my granddaughter who was turning 13, but didn't have the money for the ring that matched them. She came to visit the next day, and was sitting on my bed chattering away about all her gifts and she was wearing the necklace and earrings. I was dusting the crystals on the mirror tray. She got up to help me, picked up that rather large crystal clump and said, "Oh. Did you forget to give me the ring that goes with my necklace and earrings?" I answered, "No, I couldn't afford the ring too." She said, "Well, look here! This ring matches perfectly!" It did. It does. And that was her gift... And, by the way, quite often one or another of my crystals will just disappear. There is nothing left other than a small clear spot in the dust on the mirror tray. (It seems to collect dust like a magnet!) They always reappear a few days the same exact spot. Hugs and blessings, Jan in Montana *************************************************** I know I just wrote you with a psychic cat story and I hate to write again so soon, but you keep hitting on topics I can relate to! When I was 17, my sister and I were in the house alone and I was rushing around to get ready to take her to a party. I went for my car keys that I always kept on the hall table but they were not there. My sister and I searched every- where but just could not find those keys! As I was making one last round through the dining room, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. In the china cabinet, on the top shelf, in a crystal goblet were my keys! We were alone in the house and I know my sister didn't do it since she was not tall enough and she was very upset that we were late for her party. That same summer while washing my face, I lathered up my face and, with eyes clamped shut, dropped the soap in the sink. After rinsing my face I opened my eyes and the soap was gone. I checked everywhere in the bathroom and I never did find it. You had mentioned that apports were common with poltergeist activity and these experiences were just two of many "poltergeisty" things that happened that summer. ********************************************** Yes! I didn't know there was a name for it! I have an antique amethyst colored, gold and enamel decorated small glass box. It very often disappears for months at a time and then suddenly appears again, not necessarily in the same place. We always have "blamed" it on my mom, because her little Buddha figurine that I had on my hutch continually turned around the other way from where it was put. That, too, has disappeared but hasn't returned. But so has she -- she no longer visits any of us, so we presume she is finally "home". I enjoy your page ... El ************************************************** Your description on apports made me think about some experiences I have had with my cats. I always was very close to my cats. I'd rather have them around than people, sometimes. (Actually, usually). When my Juju passed, years ago, I was with her at the vet's for euthanasia. Juju seemed to express that she had happy life. She also seemed to thank me. As I gazed into her eyes, I asked her intently in my mind that if there were an afterlife, to let me know this, somehow. Then she was gone. I work at a video store. Juju had never been there. Imagine my surprise to go to work the next day only to find a red, felt ladybug, Juju's favorite kind of toy, sitting on top of the cash register, where I could not fail to see it! And quite recently, my 12 year old cat Spar-kle died. She had a brother named Spike who had died unexpectedly. I had hoped he'd "be there" for Spar-kle, so she wouldn't be all alone. A couple of days ago, one of Spike's favorite toys somehow ended up in what was formerly Spar-kle's bed. They didn't get along well in their life. The only time I ever saw them sleep together was one time in that very bed. I have no explanation how it got there, either. -Jake ***************************************************** There is a theory of the sudden appearance and disappear- ance of objects that basically goes like this. Since the 'big bang', time itself was shredded into long thin lines that swirl and drift all over outer space, occasionally coming into contact with people, places and things here and in different worlds, some civilized. This explains the shimmering of documented UFOs as well as a number of unexplained phenomena, such as items and people from the past and presumably the future appearing or disappearing. The belief is that they get caught up in a limbo-like wave to glimpse the centuries and worlds never dreamed of as a total act of chance. Some say this even explains why some people may wake up speaking a different language than they could speak when they went to bed. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Zsuzsana, Your apport email reminded me of what happened years ago when I was teenager. My mother found an old spoon in the hall of our home in a little alcove where the phone was kept. After several inquiries there was no explanation of how that old spoon got there. Later on, she was on an errand and when she got back, on the front seat of the car was another old spoon. She was always very careful to lock the car so how did that spoon get into a locked car? One time I had lost an earring on a Thursday afternoon in my home ... I could not find it anywhere. Then on a Saturday morning, my husband got up to make coffee and then he came to wake me up and tapped me on the shoulder and told me to look at what was next to me ... my earring! How could it have appeared like that? Another time my husband had bought a belt for our roto- tiller. He knew it was on his work bench and when he went to use it, it was gone! He looked everywhere for it. Several days passed and when he went into garage there it was plain as day sitting in the middle of his work bench! Were these incidents of apports appearing? Maybe so. Then we will have explanations for their existence, but the question is what do spoons have to with anything? Are they symbolic of something. They did appear after my grandmother passed away and I always wondered if she had anything to do with them appearing. Penny - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi Penny! Yes, it seems as if they were a personal symbol. Spoons also can symbolize the giving/receiving of nourish- ment, childhood memories, or being given special treat- ment... perhaps there is a message in these meanings also:>) Zsuzsana ***************************************************** I've never had anything show up that didn't belong to us, but I have lived in a house that used to have stuff disappear regularly! My husband, four kids, and I lived in house with my mother-in-law and her other son. We were in the process of renovating this house and there was always lumber, sheetrock, etc., laying around along with our possessions. Things were always disappearing, sometimes you would find them later and sometimes they never came back. We joked about having a "black hole" that stuff fell into. The strangest, and biggest, thing to disappear was six foot long two-by-four board! My husband was building bunk beds for our kids and had cut the board to use for them. He was working on the beds when he reached for the board, and couldn't find it. It totally disappeared and we never did find it, even when we moved and cleared everything out of the house! That house never did feel right to me. I don't know if it was the stress of us and the kids being crammed into two rooms or living with a cranky mother-in-law, or something that was already there. I was always uncomfortable being alone in the house. My oldest daughter told me later that being in the front hall scared her and she wouldn't go up there alone at night Ruth in WA ********************************************** Hi, The house I lived in before my present one was haunted, in an unpleasant manner. I could rattle on a whole page long, but I'll stick to the apport appearing. One evening, my husband, children and myself were sitting in the living room watching TV when out of the blue I felt something land on my head. It was not a hard hit. I reached up to feel that spot on my head and felt something small on it. Mind you, my house was clean, let me make that clear. The object that fell on my head was a small white worm! I almost passed out! I have an extreme aversion to them. I looked up, and even stood up on the sofa, to inspect the ceiling. There was no possible explanation for it falling from the ceiling. The apport was a one time thing. I had never, before or after, seen any of those little worms in the house again. As I said there were quite a number of happen- ings at this house the whole nine years we lived there, otherwise I wouldn't have been quite as positive it was a paranormal experience. Thanks for reading, Gayle ****************************************** Hi Zsuzsana, We have had objects disappear; however, they have never reappeared. When I was about 8 years old, I was playing jacks in the kitchen with a bigger-than-usual red ball. I threw the ball up as far as I could without it hitting the 7-foot- high ceiling. It came down, hit me on the head and disappeared. We searched everywhere. None of the doors were open, so it couldn't have rolled outside. Since then, we remodeled the entire house and moved away many years later. A few months ago, my mom was watching TV and fell asleep with the remote in her lap. When she woke up, it was gone and the TV was off. My dad said he hadn't turned it off. Again, they searched everywhere, and I looked for it when I visited them. And, yes, I verbally asked whoever or whatever took the remote to please give it back. Neither the red ball nor the remote have ever been found. Rosie Walsh

cont'd in next message *******************************************

Oh, man, I have a lot of weird things that have happened to me since I was of a very young age. I moved around a lot when I was a young girl and didn't finally settle until I was about 6 years old. The house we moved into was quite large with 6 bedrooms. I have a few stories about things disappearing and reappearing all the time around my house. While growing up, my mother always tried to blame my brother and me for the things that disappeared even though we were nowhere around at the time. I remember once my mother had written out the check for the house payment and left it sitting right on the counter by her purse while she walked away for a mere 5 seconds. When she returned the check was gone. She looked high and low and never found it. Months had actually gone by when she found it laying in the same exact spot where she had laid it. It just always seemed that when something important was laying around, that's the time when it disappeared, then when we least expected it, it would show up in the same exact spot as where we had left it. I found out a few years later when I was just entering my teens how old my house really was and what really happened there. I can also relate to the weird coins and jewelry that you had mentioned. At times we would find the strangest looking small pieces of jewelry like one oddball earring or some old looking coins popping up once in awhile around the house. Funny thing is no one in the house at the time had their ears pierced. From Kera in PA *********************************************** Zsuzsana, I've had lots of experiences with things moving around. The things that have appeared on our living room floor are 2 skeleton keys and 3 plain black magnets. What the keys go to we still have no idea. And things are constantly moving around on us. The spirits in the house love to drive us crazy by hiding things on us. They didn't like my mother so they often made her tear the house apart in the morning looking for her keys. The funny part was that they would always be found in a place that she had already looked a dozen times. My boyfriend also had an interesting experience. He had his mp3 player out one day and set it down in the living room to go to the bathroom. When he got to the bathroom it was sitting on the sink. He took it out to the dining room table and went into the kitchen and then found it on the microwave. There's also something else that's kind of funny, and handy at the same time. If we ever can't find something we ask the spirits to find it for us and leave it in a place we can find it. It doesn't always happen right away, but we usually find what we're looking for by the next day in a place we already looked. Just two days ago we had to format my boyfriend's computer. He was looking for the disks to a game to reinstall it and couldn't find them anywhere. We asked for help and the next morning they were sitting on top of his computer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Note from Zsuzsana: All of the items you mention have a common denominator, which is that they are metaphysically/ symbolically and literally 'keepers of information'. I hope that correlation 'speaks' to you:>) *************************************************** Hi. My name is Jim. I live on a small farm near Wichita, Ks. This is really strange to me because I have never heard of apport before. But I know it is real. Our farm has been haunted for years off and on again. We have a small hay barn for the horses. Long story short, one morning I went out and there was hay all over the floor. There was no hay in the barn before because the horses were on the pasture. Many strange things went on in our workshop that connects to the barn. We have a small business that we work out of from home. Some friends and even family won't go in our shop, barn or even our house. They have seen and heard for themselves some of the things that have taken place out here. I enjoy your website and letters. Keep up the good work. Jim ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you have questions...comments...leads...stories you'd like to see in print? Send an email to: <a href=" ">Email Paranormal</a> ------------------------------------------------------------ End of PARANORMAL INSIDER - Another Gopher Central Publication Copyright 2006 by NextEra Media. All rights reserved. Go ahead and forward this, in its entirety, to others.

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