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  • Writer's pictureZsuzsana Dawson

7 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration

You know that feeling that all is right with the world?

You might feel floaty, or just serene, or expectant of

good things. Or maybe you’ve experienced a moment of

love, joy or contentment where it felt like a physical

lightness has come over you? When you raise your

vibrations, these are the kind of feelings you may

experience. High vibrations are associated with feelings

of personal power, peace, love and joy.

So how do we incorporate more of these magical moments and experiences into our life? Below is my list of top ways to quickly and easily raise your vibrations.

1) Dance: To start off, just dance! I know that

sounds ridiculously simple, but it’s true! All you need

to do to raise your vibrational energy is dance! The

simple act of moving your body will raise your

vibrational energy! Dancing is a surefire way to get the

blood pumping, boost oxygen flow and increase your

positive energy! Dancing has been shown to boost memory

and cognitive ability along with lowering depression.

Lower depression just by dancing. Yep, you heard that

right! Dancing, as we know, has been a spiritual practice

probably since the dawn of time, raising vibrations to

manifest magic, commune with the gods, pray, meditate and

much more. Oh yes, let’s not forget making rain! It’s so

fun, easy and empowering.Try to make it a regular

practice to put on some music and shake that thing!

2) Nature: Get out in nature. Being in nature allows

us to disconnect from our modern techy and stress-y world

and be more present. It can help us center ourselves and

overcome our daily challenges with more grace and

humility. It’s especially helpful if you can find an EMF

free or reduced EMF zone to be outdoors in, although

that’s becoming increasingly difficult. Fresh air, sun

rays, the ground beneath your feet, flora and fauna:

these all help us lower stress, increase energy, increase

creativity and connect with our souls. So get out in that

park, those woods, wherever you can. (There are countries

where doctors prescribe Forest Therapy as a medical

treatment). You will raise your vibrational energy while

being in a better place to tackle your dreams and

ambitions. Try to get out into nature everyday for a week

as an experiment and watch the benefits happen in real


3) Eat Clean/Organic Foods: Trying to eat more

clean/organic foods is a great way to keep the positive

energy flowing! The less pesticides and chemicals we come

in contact with the better! I know it can be hard and

expensive (arghh!!) but start small and work on it little

by little!

4) Unplug: Disconnect from all the tech in your

life! This can go hand in hand with getting more nature

in your life, or it can simply mean leaving your phone at

home for a few hours a day. You may have to make a

determined effort. Some days I feel like my cell phone is

another appendage. I have to force myself to leave it in

another room and ignore any bing bongs I hear!

5) Breath work: Try to include some intentional

breathing into your day. This one is cool because it

literally only takes a few moments to get the benefits of

breath work. In just four minutes you can be more

present, get more in tune with your body and lower

stress. Breath work is an important part of meditation,

yoga, etc. but you don’t have to commit to such practices

at all to reap the benefits of conscious breathing.

You’re breathing anyway, so slow down for a couple of

minutes as often as you can and pay attention to your

breat and your body. And, if you wish, take this short

time to connect with your higher self, your goals, dream

and intentions that’s all there is to it.

6) Be kind to a stranger: Today, more than ever,

people are disconnected from each other in ways that all

previous generations have not experienced. People are so

caught up in the minutia of their daily lives that they

rarely have time to help others or even notice the people

around them! Let’s try to change that while also raising

our vibrational energy and happiness. It is proven that

just one simple, random act of kindness, can have amazing

health and wellbeing benefits for you.

A few nice words or lending a hand to a stranger in need

will brighten both your days. This simple act of helping

a stranger will instantly raise your vibrations, lower

your stress and leave you in a better mood for the rest

of the day. If you start doing this every day, your life

will improve in ways you never thought possible.

7) Smile: The act of smiling is not only a sign of

being happy, it can actually help make you happy! This

might be called a “fake it till you make it” therapy but

it’s real and it’s good for your heart and your soul too.

The physical act of smiling, a big full smile with

crinkled eyes, activates the pleasure centres in the

brain just like a positive experience does. Set a

reminder to smile several times a day, and it wouldn’t

hurt to give yourself a hug and a pat on the back at the

same time too.

These few simple techniques are just a matter of DOING

them. Stick a note on your bathroom mirror, the dashboard

of your car, or on your computer screen. The more you do

them, the higher you will vibe and that in turn, will

bring higher vibration energies and manifestation into

your life. That glowy, happy feeling brings more of the

same, so….GO!

copyright 2023 Zsuzsana Dawson

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